Our Philosophy
Concerning the Environment and Quality
We at Hatsuta ceaselessly think and act from the customer’s point of view. In order to safeguard precious human life and valuable property and to protect the environment of our blue planet, we aim to uphold security and quality in our products and to achieve harmony with nature.
Environmental Policy
We will help create a better society by considering the environmental impact of our products throughout their life cycles.
Quality Policy
We will create and provide products that are outstanding and of value to our customers.
Basic Policy
Concerning the Environment and Quality
1.We will strive to conduct efficient product making that considers our customers and the environment at all stages of the product life cycle, from design and manufacture to use and disposal.
2.Along with promoting measures to prevent environmental pollution, we will evaluate the changes in our overall corporate activities, establish and implement environmental and product quality targets and objectives in the relevant departments, and review them periodically.
3.We will conduct regular audits of our environmental and quality management systems, and take measures for continuous improvement in order to achieve better results.
4.We will comply with all laws and regulations applicable to all of our activities, as well as with agreements and other requirements related to environmental protection and local communities.
5.We will thoroughly educate our employees and other personnel on our environmental and quality policies and disclose them to the public, while striving to achieve harmony with local communities.
December 1, 2004
President and Representative Director,
Kazuhiro Hatsuta

Eco-Cycle SystemCollection and Recycling of Fire Extinguishers
HATSUTA incorporates considerations for recycling when designing its fire extinguishers. Old fire extinguishers are collected and disassembled, with most of its materials reused or recycled. Also, dry chemical extinguishing agents are processed for reuse through our proprietary technology, and are used as extinguishing agents in newly produced fire extinguishers. As a company committed to environmental issues, HATSUTA will continue to do its part to use resources effectively and to prevent pollution of the global environment.

Development of Eco Mark
Certified ProductsEnvironmentally Friendly Fire Extinguishers
In 2003, HATSUTA became the first to receive Eco Mark certification for fire extinguishers. Since then, the company has continued to develop environmentally friendly products, acquiring Eco Mark certification even for fire extinguisher stands and boxes. We have been leading the fire extinguisher industry as the foremost producer of eco-friendly products. In 2011, we were the first in the industry to be licensed to use the CFP Mark, and we won silver prize in the Eco Mark Award 2014 for our pioneering efforts in visualizing CO2 emissions from fire extinguishers.

NEW ECOSS Zero-Emission ServiceFire Extinguisher Rental Service
The NEW ECOSS Zero-Emission Service is a new service, the first of its kind in the industry, that aims to achieve Zero-Emission (zero waste) for fire extinguishers. For a fixed monthly rental fee, the servicing store will inspect and maintain the fire extinguishers for you. In addition, Hatsuta’s proprietary Eco-Cycle System will be available for all fire extinguishers, extinguisher stands, and fire extinguishing systems used by customers. We support our customers’ CSR by recycling, reusing, and disposing of the products properly in the end.

Activities that Contribute to Society
Off-Site Cleanups
Twice a month, the company conducts an off-site cleanup around the main factory. We also conduct cleanup along commuting routes on a voluntary basis, and promote environmental beautification activities in and around the community.
Facilities that Offer Hands-On Experience
We set up the “Jisho-kan,” a place where visitors can view the full range of fire extinguishing systems and gain hands-on experience in firefighting-related work such as operating the equipment, discharging agents, and conducting inspections. Along with the “Bix Gallery,” where the products and services we offer are on display, visitors can witness how our awareness and systems relating to disaster prevention have been nurtured and developed throughout our history of over 100 years.

Improving the Work Environment
and Nurturing Talent
Improving the Work Environment
In order to ensure a safe, healthy, and comfortable workplace, we sponsor lectures by industrial safety and health consultants and arrange interviews with occupational health physicians and public health nurses. We are also working to support childcare and nursing care, reemployment after retirement, and workstyle reforms.
Improving Employee Capabilities
We encourage our employees to obtain statutory and in-house certifications in order to improve their skills.
Nurturing Disaster Prevention Specialists
Hatsuta conducts a wide range of training sessions for people outside the company with the aim of nurturing specialists in disaster prevention.